วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Herbal Supplement for Energy

Do you need a herbal supplement for energy? The answer depends on your way of life and diet. If you live a fast-paced lifestyle, it may be hard to achieve a balance in your health. Your daily to-do lists, changing meal schedules, and irregular sleep may cause your energy levels go down – especially if your diet does not give you all the nutrients you need. You may need to replenish it with herbal supplement for energy, which many people prefer to other types of vitamins because it is all-natural.
Herbal supplement for energy can be taken as tea, pills, capsules, tablets, or in liquid form. Below is a list of common herbs used to boost energy:
1. Ginseng supplements
This herbal supplement for energy has a long history as a healing herb in China, Japan, and Korea. Centuries of use have proved that ginseng can alleviate certain psychiatric and neurological conditions as well as raise one's stamina and vitality. Several types are available with the common ones being American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus chinensis).
2. Maca supplements
Known in the scientific community as Lepidium meyenii, this radish-shaped and root-like vegetable has been used by Peruvians to increase endurance, energy, fertility, sexual virility, and vitality. The maca grows in the Andes mountains of South America.
3. Maitake supplements
Maitake is a herbal supplement for energy sourced from a Japanese mushroom that can help in stress resistance and stamina improvement.
4. Rhodiola supplements
Researched thoroughly by Russian and Chinese scientists, the rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) can stimulate the nervous system by alleviating depression, improving work capabilities, fighting fatigue, and combating high altitude sickness. These herbs can be found in the Arctic regions inside the eastern part of Siberia.
5. Tongkat ali supplements
Tongkat ali is a herbal supplement for energy from Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Natives of the said countries use every part of the tree for medication. The most popular benefits of tongkat ali include being an aphrodisiac as well as a tonic and energy enhancer.
Important reminder
Herbal supplement for energy can possibly make or break your health, so be careful when buying and taking them. Avoid supplements which may be harmful to you because of wrong dosage or production errors. Purchase your supplies only from pharmaceutical GMP-compliant manufacturers to safeguard your health. Such manufacturers have passed the FDA’s stringent manufacturing standards, so you can be sure that they only sell high-quality, potent supplements.

Herbal Breast Firming and Enlargement Serum

Herbs have been used all over the world as a natural remedy for medication. The effectiveness of herbs have dated back thousands of years. Certain plant possess hormone balancing effects ahd have been used to treat infertility, menopause and menstrual pains for ages. Of more than 30,000 plants classified as herbs, about 26 of these plants have had varying degree of effectiveness in increasing breast size.
Herbal breast enlargement products are mostly made up of these botanical herbs and/or plants that consist of compounds with hormone-like attributes. They can come in the form of serums, creams, pills and mask. Most of these herbal products mimic the effects of estrogen in the female body. These herbs are call phytoestrogens, which literally means "plant estrogens". Modern science is just becoming aware of the healthy aspects of phytoestrogens and their role in increasing the size and health of the breasts.
Herbal breast enhancement products are rapidly becoming one of the most talked about method of enlarging your breast naturally. It is fast becoming an alternative for women who either cannot afford the high cost of surgery, do not want the risk of complications, do not like the feel of artificial breast implants or simply have never considered cosmetic surgery as a measure to enlarge their breasts.
The use of herbal compound in creams and lotions for breast enlargement is not a recent phenomena. Rumours of harem girls being fed fenugreek to increase breast size have been floating around herbal circles for hundreds of years. The buxom nature of the girls of Bavaria have been often attributed to the hops and barley content of the local beers and the college girls of the early 20th century recalled in song an herbal remedy (Lydia Pinkham's formula) that helped them "fill out their sweaters".
Traditional use of herbs have been used in Asia and South America to promote breast growth through the regulation of hormonal balance. L'elan Vital (Hot selling Bigger Breast Serum) that contained a combination of plant extracts Pueraria Mirifica (a breast enlarging herb native to Thailand) and cutting-edge Nano-technology has proven to deliver very effective results in enlarging and firming the breasts.
Pueraria Mirifica is one of the most sought after herbs in breast enhancement treatments. Its active compounds restore youthful elasticity to overstretched breast tissues to efficiently lifts and firms sagging breasts. It also communicates estrogen-like activity that triggers the natural development of breast size to its fullest potential. Most women felt a tightness in their breast on the 1st application and an increase in cup size within 2 months.
Using Nano-technology the active compounds of the serum are structured into precise nano-sized particles approximately 2,000 times smaller than skin pores around the breast. Thus enabling the active ingredients from Pueraria Mirifica to penetrate deep down towards the target area to enlarge and firm up the breast from the inside easily.

Thai Iced Tea

If you have ever eaten in a Thai or perhaps a Vietnamese restaurant, then you have probably seen an interesting orange colored beverage in a tall glass go by with a waiter or waitress you've often wondered just what kind of drink this might be. You're pretty sure it's a Thai drink.... after all, you are in a Thai restaurant! But, just what is it made of?
What you have seen is called Thai Iced tea. Surprise! It doesn't look much like any tea that you are probably used to seeing. But, it is tea! It's just prepared in a different way that you may not have heard of before. It looks intriguing, and it tastes wonderful, and is very welcome on a hot summer day, or whenever you are eating hot, spicy food.
Normally, Thai restaurants are not too giving when it comes to their recipes. But, the recipe for Thai Iced tea wasn't too hard to come by. It is such a staple Thai beverage that almost anyone who knows their Thai food can tell you how to prepare it.
The type of tea that is used in Thai restaurants is called Lapsang Suchong and it can be found on the internet. You can also use any good quality black loose tea and end up with the same results. You will need around 2/3 cup of black tea leaves to make two glasses of Thai Iced tea.
You'll also need 1 and 2/3 cup of good-tasting water, preferably purified, ½ cup of sugar, and 1 ½ cups of evaporated milk, which is the amount that is in a 12 ounce can of the drink. Add to the recipe ingredients a few pieces of kitchen equipment, such as a teakettle or a large cooking utensil to boil water in, a large tea strainer, or you can go Asian for this recipe and try to locate a traditional Asian tea sock! Have ready a pitcher that can take the heat of boiling water, and a long spoon for stirring.
Place the water into the kettle or utensil and bring it to a rolling boil. Remove the water from the stove's heat. You don't want the tea to boil, as this would make it bitter. Add the 2/3 cup of black tea leaves to the water, and stir them with the long spoon to make sure that they have all been covered with water. You want the tea leaves to steep for 5 minutes.
When 5 minutes have passed, it's time to strain the tea into the pitcher, and remember, it needs to be a pitcher that can take the heat, for that tea is going to be very hot. This might take a little time, as 2/3 cup of tea is quite a lot to strain. Poor the tea through the strainer a little at a time, and when it begins to fill up with wet tea leaves, you can stop and remove the tea leaves, and then began to strain the tea again.
Once you have strained all of the tea, and it is safely in the pitcher, you can stir the ½ cup of sugar into the brew. It is best to do this while the black tea is still fairly hot, since the heat will help the sugar to dissolve faster. Have you ever tried to get sugar to dissolve in cold tea? It doesn't work very well.
Now, you need to allow the tea to cool for a while, so place it in the refrigerator, and be patient! You'll get to sample this tea soon enough!
An hour and a half goes by slowly...
Are you ready? Good! The tea should be cool enough now, so you can take it out of the refrigerator. Get out two tall glasses, preferably made of clear glass, as it shows up the intriguing looks of the tea much better than a solid colored glass would.
Fill the two glasses with ice cubes. Take the tea pitcher, and pour the cool tea over the ice, but do not fill the glass all the way to the top! You want to leave around one fourth of the glass empty up at the top. Get out the evaporated milk, and slowly pour it into the top of each glass.
You want two layers of color to show, so make sure you pour carefully to insure that they do. If you are having trouble with the layers mixing into each other on the first glass, you might want to try this tip on the second glass as you are preparing it. Take your iced tea spoon, and hold it over the glass. Pour the evaporated milk slowly onto the back of the spoon, letting it run into the glass of tea. This should do the trick.
You will need either a straw or an iced tea spoon to drink Thai Iced tea properly. Some people like to mix the milk into their iced Thai tea right from the start. Others enjoy sipping their sweetened tea through the layer of milk. It all depends on how it tastes best to you, and it's fun to experiment with both ways!

The Healing Benefits of Traditional Thai Massage

Thai massage, also known as Nuad Phaen Boran, is an ancient massage that involves not only deep muscle massage, but stretching, elements of shiatsu, yoga, and acupressure as well. Nuad Phaen Boran actually translates into "ancient massage" or "traditional massage."
Traditional Thai massage has been practiced for over 2,500 years. It not only relaxes the body, but the mind as well. It actually began in India. The Buddhist monks practiced both massage and other healing arts. This spread to families and as Buddhism spread to Asia, the traditional Thai massage became a part of both the religious and healing part of the religion. It is believed that traditional Thai massage made it to Thailand around the 3rd or 2nd century BC. Many times, monastery temples were built near medical schools so the art of massage was taught among both monks and medical students.
Traditional Thai massage focuses on the experience of the whole body. It works on the major energy lines, known as ‘Sen’. These Sen run throughout the body. By loosening blockages, the massage will help harmonize the body and recoup any deficiencies of the energy lines. Just as Chinese medicine uses acupuncture to help revive health, traditional Thai massage uses a similar system of pressure points to help heal and relieve stress. The Prana, or life energy, is allows to freely circulate through the body.
Traditional Thai massage has many benefits. Whether you are the receiver of the massage or the giver of the massage, you can feel joy, ease, and comfort. The massage will open up your chakras, allowing you to have a more peaceful mind as well as benefiting your health.
The giver of the traditional Thai massage also will receive generosity, compassion, equanimity, the feeling of oneness, the feeling of loving kindness, and the pride that can only be felt by a healer. The receiver will feel the joy of receiving as well as a calmness of rest and a refreshed spirit. Physically, the receiver feels a general increase in energy due to the opening of Sen and other blocked areas in the body. They will also feel relief from pain and muscle tension, blood and lymph circulation is improved, and the nervous system is balanced. An increase in flexibility is also possible.
Traditional Thai massage is a floor massage. The receiver usually is asked to lay on a pad or light mattress. By lying on the floor, the practitioner can easily manipulate the limbs of the receiver. Massages are given in silence, so the practitioner can better understand what the receiver needs are while the receiver can concentrate on learning about himself and his body. Practitioners start at the feet and moves toward the receiver’s head, making the body feel loosened and stretched. A massage can last between two and three hours. Sometimes it combines techniques used in western physical therapies such as Neuromuscular therapy, Myofascial Release Techniques, and Remedial massage. Traditional Thai massage is great for athletes as it keeps them flexible and helps prevent and treat injuries. It also helps improve the flexibility and mobility of the handicapped.

Herbs are being used for healthy hair since ancient times. Aloe, Catmint, Sage, Rosemary, Horsetail, Nettles, Parsley, Arnica, Birch are some of the most commonly used herbs for healthy hair. Till date you must have tried at least hundreds of conditioners, shampoos or serum for that lustrous bouncy hair. Have you ever thought of using herbs to treat your dull and damaged hair? Yes.. But ignorant about the benefits different herbs will provide!!!
Here are few herbs and the benefits you will enjoy from them.
Sage: This herb take cares of all the hair requirements. It is beneficial in treating oily hair, dandruff and other scalp infection. It solves your hair loss problem and also restores the hair color.
Rosemary: It acts as nourishment to your flaky and dry scalp. It is the best herb to cure your dandruff. It even slow downs the graying and maturation of your hair.
Chamomile: It is beneficial in controlling your hair fall rate. It also enhances the growth of new hair follicle as well as your hair health.
Burdock Root: It reduces the hair fall and encourages your hair growth.
Butterfly Pea: It has been an important ingredient of ancient Thai herbal medicine used to treat hair loss. It was also used to treat premature graying of the hair.
Indian Gooseberry: It is highly beneficial in restoring the normal acidity level of your hair.
Herbal recipe for healthy hair:
Boil at least 4 tablespoon of dried thyme for 15-10 minutes with 2 cups of water. Cool and strain it, then massage your scalp with this solution and leave it for at least 1 hour. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water.
Beat two egg yolks with ½ cup of water then massage your scalp for at least 10 minutes with this mixture. After leaving it for few minutes rinse your hair with lukewarm water. For best results after rinsing with clear water, rinse your hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons) and water.
You can even use honey lotion as a scalp moisturize. To prepare honey lotion mix 3 teaspoons of honey with a 1/8 gallon of water. This lotion will add the extra shine to your dull hair.
Benefits of herbal hair care:
Maximum herbs help in removing and cleaning the toxins and waste products from your scalp.
Using herbal or natural products assures you that there will be no side effects.
They enhance your hair strength and add a protective coat to your hair shafts.
Mainly protects your healthy hair from pollution and from further damage.

Herbal Thai Massage

Originally derived from ancient Thai traditions, Herbal Thai massage is slowly becoming a popular western modality. Thai yoga massage itself dates back over 2,500 years with roots from both Indian and Chinese healing practices.
The combination of a Thai herbal compress and traditional Thai massage techniques create a treatment designed to soothe almost any aliment one might experience.
History of Thai Yoga Massage
Jivaka Kumar Bahaccha, Buddhist monk and founder of traditional Thai medicine and Thai massage techniques, established Thai massage to alleviate pain by improving the flow of 'prana' or life energy within the body.
Prana circulates through the body along pathways called 'sen lines'. Theoretically, when someone is experiencing pain or disease there is an upset in the flow of prana which flows along these sen lines.
When these blockages are stimulated with the pressure, stretching and kneading techniques, along with modified yoga postures used in Thai massage, it releases the blockage allowing prana to move freely again. As the released prana effortlessly flows again, each system of the body is saturated with vital nutrients improving the body's normal functions. As the body starts to return to a balanced state the pain decreases, energy is restored and the client is filled with a renewed sense of vitality and well-being.
The Yoga Connection
Thai massage was created based on yoga philosophies and traditions as it helps balance not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. Typically a Thai therapist meditates before each treatment to clear their mind of distracting thoughts and focus on bringing healing energy into the massage.
As stated earlier, modified yoga postures themselves are integrated into each massage session creating a multitude of avenues to apply massage techniques. Thai therapist maintains a calming quality to the massage by applying graceful rhythmic movements and focused attention while connecting the postures, similar to practicing yoga.
The Herbal Compress
Herbal Thai massage incorporates the use of a heated compress containing a collection of medicinal aromatic herbs traditionally grown in Thailand. This compress is simply a pouch filled with ground Thai herbs wrapped tightly in a natural porous cloth, usually unbleached cotton or muslin.
It is most often steamed to stimulate the herbs then pressed or rolled on the body during, before or after a Thai yoga massage. When used in conjunction with a Thai massage, the heated ball allows the muscles and joints of the body greater movement and flexibility.
The herbs themselves are absorbed through the skin and used in the body to facilitate further release of energy blockages thereby improving energy imbalances within the body. Some of the herbs have drawing properties that allow removal of inflammation and swelling typical with injuries.
Benefits of Herbal Thai Massage
Traditional Thai massage is most commonly used to treat inflammation due to muscle and joint pain, injuries or imbalances but it is not limited to muscular system. Thai massage can help with all the systems in the body allowing whole body healing. The herbal compress promotes further healing as the typical selection of Thai herbs offer many healing properties to the mind body and soul. Together the Thai yoga massage and the herbal compress promote healing in the following ways:
• Improves muscle injuries, imbalances and pain• Improves blood and lymph circulation• Improves physical and mental energy by releasing energy blockages• Improves joint flexibility and range of motion• Reduces acute and chronic inflammation • Improves appetite and digestive processes and dysfunctions• Prevents illness • Slows aging process and degeneration of soft tissues and joints• Boosts immune system• Lowers blood pressure• Encourages relaxation • Prevents and alleviates stress and anxiety• Calms the mind, improves concentration and positive thinking• Speeds healing • Improves movement and function of fascia (body's connective tissue)• Decreases cold and flu symptoms• Improves organ function and movement• Calms respiratory dysfunction and pain• Eases menstrual cramps and associated pain• Calms and prevents migraines and headaches• Helps with insomnia and other sleep disorders
This unique Thai tradition is welcome in North America by both therapists and clients alike. Its deep rooted history, balancing techniques and aromatic benefits offer a therapeutic treatment second to none.

History of the Thai Herbal Compress

For centuries the Thai people have been using dried herbs to treat many different aliments in the body. One of the best types of treatments for muscle and soft tissue pain is used in the form of a herbal compress. For centuries this ball was typically used on soldiers returning from battle to get immediate responses to inflammation from wounds and injuries. It was also used for treating soreness and pain from tired, achy muscles and joints.
Now, they are used in many forms around the world. In north America we typically see them being used for personal use as home remedies for treatment of small wounds, inflamed joints or even menstrual cramps.
For years spas in Europe and more recently in North America, have been using the power of the herbal compress to lure clients into an ancient world of the past, surrounding them with rich enticing aromas and deep moist heat that alleviate stress from everyday living.
Massage clinics have also started treating clients with the herbal compress, using them in Thai massage treatments. This is great for the removal of toxins during inflammation, improving muscle tone tension, and easing aches and pains from many conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and soft tissue injuries.
In Thailand the typical compress is created using traditional herbs commonly grown in Thailand. These herbs have both medicinal and aesthetic uses and are absorbed into the body through the skin and nose. Of course the herbs themselves can be ingested as well but when used in a compress there is no need for ingestion. All three methods allow the medicinal properties of the herbs to have profound effects in body.
A poultice is similar to the compress but is usually used as a home remedy. To make a poultice for home, one would need the herb or substance of choice, say oatmeal, place it on a square of material, wrap it up, heat it, and place it on the area for relief. Some poultices can be used for extended periods, for example the Castor oil wrap. These types of wraps can be left on over night and kept in the fridge or freezer for future use.
Prepackaged compress balls are great for use in spas or clinics. They can be purchased in a multitude of recipes but the basic Thai compress can treat a variety of conditions. Typically, they are steamed and applied to the client either on the skin directly or through the clothes.
Some spas use the compress in their heated body treatments that involve massage techniques, and oil. In clinics, the massage therapist would press the heated compress into the muscle belly and over the joints allowing the heat and the herbs to be absorbed deeply into the tissue. When being steamed the pouch reveals an intense and pleasing aroma that is inhaled through the nose while breathing deeply during the treatment.
This ancient treatment tool has come a long way. The herbal compress is becoming a staple in homes and professional settings around the world. It's has many uses and the affects are amazing!