วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

History of the Thai Herbal Compress

For centuries the Thai people have been using dried herbs to treat many different aliments in the body. One of the best types of treatments for muscle and soft tissue pain is used in the form of a herbal compress. For centuries this ball was typically used on soldiers returning from battle to get immediate responses to inflammation from wounds and injuries. It was also used for treating soreness and pain from tired, achy muscles and joints.
Now, they are used in many forms around the world. In north America we typically see them being used for personal use as home remedies for treatment of small wounds, inflamed joints or even menstrual cramps.
For years spas in Europe and more recently in North America, have been using the power of the herbal compress to lure clients into an ancient world of the past, surrounding them with rich enticing aromas and deep moist heat that alleviate stress from everyday living.
Massage clinics have also started treating clients with the herbal compress, using them in Thai massage treatments. This is great for the removal of toxins during inflammation, improving muscle tone tension, and easing aches and pains from many conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and soft tissue injuries.
In Thailand the typical compress is created using traditional herbs commonly grown in Thailand. These herbs have both medicinal and aesthetic uses and are absorbed into the body through the skin and nose. Of course the herbs themselves can be ingested as well but when used in a compress there is no need for ingestion. All three methods allow the medicinal properties of the herbs to have profound effects in body.
A poultice is similar to the compress but is usually used as a home remedy. To make a poultice for home, one would need the herb or substance of choice, say oatmeal, place it on a square of material, wrap it up, heat it, and place it on the area for relief. Some poultices can be used for extended periods, for example the Castor oil wrap. These types of wraps can be left on over night and kept in the fridge or freezer for future use.
Prepackaged compress balls are great for use in spas or clinics. They can be purchased in a multitude of recipes but the basic Thai compress can treat a variety of conditions. Typically, they are steamed and applied to the client either on the skin directly or through the clothes.
Some spas use the compress in their heated body treatments that involve massage techniques, and oil. In clinics, the massage therapist would press the heated compress into the muscle belly and over the joints allowing the heat and the herbs to be absorbed deeply into the tissue. When being steamed the pouch reveals an intense and pleasing aroma that is inhaled through the nose while breathing deeply during the treatment.
This ancient treatment tool has come a long way. The herbal compress is becoming a staple in homes and professional settings around the world. It's has many uses and the affects are amazing!

